Archive for October, 2011
Naked on the beach
0Hello my loves.
I hope you had a good weekend?
For my part I was in a birthday party, but nothing naughty, lol
I say this because I know some of you are waiting to see hot pictures
Yesterday it was a day bed and films, lol
Yes because it’s been months since we had not done that …
I love watching a movie and stay in bed all the day
We saw six films, and made three times sex, lol
I love these days, I remember when we were following 24 hours, we swallowed the series in a weekend between sex and lunch break ….
That Friday afternoon I received a CD with the photos I made in the studio with a pro photographer in Lyon!
These are fetish pictures and I love them!
Here are two, but I would do a post when I post in my site because there are also many more hot
Then and although tonight is Halloween, I would not do anything this year!
Lots of little problems and so I just do not plan to do this …
But I wish you a Happy Halloween <3 <3
Then this morning Enrique has posted a new series of photos made with my great friend Stafina on the cliffs of Cap d’Agde!
This part is not at all nudist and as soon as we started to pose the people there were happy to see us!
Yes, because two sexy girls dressed that way and then posing naked then do not run the streets!
Some people took pictures for us when we burst into posing …..
Have a nice day, huge kiss and enjoy Halloween ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
And sorry for my english….
Download here the 110 flashing pics en HD
Sexy dancing a Brazilian funk
0Hello my loves.
Well today I will be brief because I have a lot to do before going to a party not liberal tonight
Yesterday so I went to play sports and I had put a pantyhose like it was a legging, with nothing underneath and a top rather sexy ..
Leaving the house the maid was there and I do not even tell you how she looked at me, lol
Then after an hour and a half sport and a good shower, Enrique was filming me while I was finishing to prepare myself!
Although the video is soft, the lyrics are very very naughty and now we hear often this kind of music and I guarantee that I wet very quickly, lol
Huge kiss and have a nice day ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Flashing video of the week
Naked delivering mail ♥ ♥ ♥
Descarga here the flashing video en HD
Naked delivering mail
0Hello guys
Power outages, storm, the total!
Last night unfortunately I was without internet and I could not make the Cam, I’m so sorry :-(
Yesterday we went to play sports and it’s been a while since I had not transpired as much!
I was super happy ….
In the locker room that are mixed I had fun at show myself to a young man who must have 18 or 19 years and which I love, to him also …
Also this week the lockers room are not naturist!
There is a tennis tournament and a lot of outsiders have come to participate and there are signs everywhere saying that this week it is a not naturist zone!
Putting myself naked in front of the young man, I could see in the mirror he did not miss a beat, the rogue lol
Then out of the shower naked, I took my time to put my dress in front of him and showing my pussy
He could see that I do not put any panties under my white leggings and I confess that at the end of my exhibition I was all wet, lol
Too bad it was all shy lol
Then this morning if Enrique was able to update the site with 2 new videos!
The first nude in public. I was walking naked under my coat of mail carrier!
I exploded because some people were involved and that apart from the fact that Enrique would take me in photos, Alou who was there caring for his part in the video :-)
Here’s the trailer:
Then the second much more hot during a Cam!
Although naughty, my man sodomized me on the sofa in front of my little voyeurs before he gives me to drink his warm milk, hummmm …
I wish you a nice day, kisssss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Download here the 2 hot videos in HD
Photoshoot: Fetish and Porn Art
0Hello my loves.
Today I will tell you about my second day in Lyon :-)
So standing at 8.30 when I was a little too drunk and too much partying the night before, all I should not do, lol
We went down to a good breakfast for then I went back to finish getting ready …
Around 11:30 I arrived at the pro photographer, and just by seeing the pictures he had put in different places of the apartment, I was happy by the quality of his work!
It must be that because he is not conventional, as it is dedicated more to everything Fetish, Bondage, Porn Art etc. ….
Actually it’s just my black lover who knew him very well and had offered to come and posed for him…
He showed me several pictures of what he was doing his various books etc …
And I immediately loved it!
Arriving JPF then put me immediately at ease, very nice, helpful but also very naughty because he kept touching me, caressing me while I make up, etc. was changing …. lol
So we started with some pictures very soft, then went to lunch!
In return the session has become totally different and I even started making a huge pee on the studio!
My lover held me from behind and my legs wide open I let go by a super pee on the floor painted :-)
Special but the video is already great.
Then I changed 2 or 3 times of outfits, but I posed more naked with my lover!
Towards the end I even asked to be attached to find myself suspended, and it was really nice!
So I was suspended, and although I would have stayed one hour and it was extra ..
I love all that unusual, I am very curious to try everything except the violence!
Around 19:30 the session ended and I was tired with a super sore throat and belly too!
Although I had to stay one more night, we preferred to leave that evening at home :-)
But it is certain that I would see with pleasure :-)
Here are some pictures while I got ready, and make-up before being suspended :-)
Have not yet received the photos, I can show you something else, sorry!
Kiss and have a nice day ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sorry for my bad english
Flashing and nude in Sormiou’s Calanque ♥ ♥ ♥
Download here the 147 flashing pics in HD
Flashing in public in Place Bellecour, Lyon
0Hello my love.
So I was on Sunday in Lyon and when I arrived, I started the flashing pics in the town of Lyon!
It was very cold because there was an icy wind!
Not knowing at all Lyon, my black lover who had invited us to come guided us, took us tothe farthest tourist Lyon!
Basilica Notre Dame of Fourvière - Place Bellecour, the Quays and some famous bridges……
As it was 17:30 when we started, we could not do everything and I would come back with great pleasure!
So this is a flashing pic in the Place Bellecour :-)
After 2 hours of flashing, we went to dinner at a Hippopotamus and there I do not know what happened to me, but I guess the missing of sex of the day, flashing in public etc. …. I became just very, very naughty with my man and my lover!
I lift my dress and a little away from the table, the server throughout the meal saw my pussy since I was not wearing anything!
I stroked my man then took him by sliding his hand between my legs for him to realize how I was wet, lol
I was shocked and all other clients close to us because of our carousel, various naughty photos we were doing, how I sat, what we were talking etc …
I did not recognize myself, and when we took a half bottle of wine to 2, then I will tell youeven my state, lol …
If the server had was less shy, I would have even followed him to fuck me in the toilet or other….
After this moment of madness, we headed to the hotel, and there in the halls I began to pose nude for 5 minutes before the staff of the hotel (4 stars) comes and asks us to stop because there were security cameras and of course they saw everything, lol
So we are back in the room and we all three make love for a good hour and a half!
Here is my first day in Lyon!
Then this morning Enrique updated the site with a series of flashing pics made in the calanque of Sormiou!
Sublime calanque but not really crowded, I could do whatever I wanted!
Bathe naked etc. …..
You never know but even so, I show myself naked throughout her!
Kiss and have a nice day ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sorry for my bad english
Flashing and nude in Sormiou’s Calanque ♥ ♥ ♥
Download here the 147 flashing pics in HD
Flashing in public in the city of Agde
0Hello guys.
Well this morning I got up very early because I have to finish preparing me and I’m off to spend three days in Lyon!
On the program: Photoshoot in public – Photoshoot with a pro photographer (Fetish - Porn Art with a lover) and the last day city tour !
I looking forward to it because I saw the place in Internet very very cute!
This morning before we go, Enrique has posted a new series of flashing in public made once again in the town of Agde!
This time we were really in the heart of the city, and although I saw from time to timepolice patrols, I show myself by revealing my breasts, my pussy and my ass all my prey :-)
Many of them were great fun and unfortunately some less, but generally it went well!
2 guys followed me and then waited for the moment when I show myself, lol
It was a great experience for me and I was all wet, :-)
I wish you a nice sunday, kisssss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Flashing in public in the city of Agde ♥ ♥ ♥
Download here the 241 flashing in public pics in HD
Naked in the gym
0Hello guys.
Here I am in my gym that I was enjoying itself.
For 15 minutes I was doing sport in Topless although Iremoved my pants, 3 minutes after a man came in and did not know what to do, lol
I was very natural and I continued to posed naked in different parts of the gym, lol
The gym is not nudist, it is written on the walls sportswear OBLIGATORY, lol
I wish you a nice day, kiss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Naked in the gym
Nude and flashing in public
0Morning guys.
This morning I have family coming home and I have to hurry to store home, hide all my sex toys lying around, and get ready … lol
Yesterday so I went to the sport and as at one time we were alone, I finished naked, lol
Yes yes, but a guy came and saw me and he did not know what to do, lol
I’ll post naughty pictures and tell you this tomorrow …
For today, here are 2 new naughty videos!
The first flashing in public with Stafina
We were in a small cove in Cap d’Agde, textile beach, and although we were not only we posed with our rosebuds in puting us some massage oil!
I can tell you that we were super excited because it was very erotic, but 10 yards away, six people were sunbathing!
It was really a shame as we had done differently, lol
But even as we continue our petting, kissing in front of us all who passed the top or front of us …..
Here’s a little trailer:
Then the second is more naughty because it is just my second treesomes!
That was in 2006 and this was just 5 months I had given birth :-)
Have a nice day and a beautiful weekend, kisss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Nude and flashing in public ♥ ♥ ♥
Dowload here the 2 hot videos of the week
Naked in a wonderful place
0Morning guys.
Well today I would be rather brief, as it was raining yesterday and unfortunately I can not go biking :-(
Now it is super nice I am very happy, though a bit cool, I finished 2, 3 thngs and at 13h we will go to the gym!
Then tonight I have a new evening Cam + Chat !
Tomorrow I have some family at home and it will be very quiet, lol
This weekend will be divided in two since, we have family and then Sunday we go to Lyon for 2 days of photoshoots, including one day with a photographer pro!
I looking forward to it because we will do in the studio <3
Well before I wish you a great day, here are two pictures of me naked posing in a wonderful place: Minerve
I wish you a nice day, huge kiss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sorry for my bad english
Sex with a stranger ♥ ♥ ♥
Last updated in my website ♥
Download here the 137 hot pics
Fucked by a stranger ♥ ♥ ♥
0Hello guys.
Sorry about yesterday but I could not pass this way, I hope you are well, even if winter is coming little by little (Europe)!
Here it is unfortunately gray and temperatures have dropped as well!
Flashing and nude in public for this will become more difficult at least as I loved them..
Yesterday we spent a good part of the day in the city to change our phones ….
We sold our first iPhone 4 219 euros each to take an Iphone 4S and a Galaxy S too!
Enrique had heard only good things to it and wanted to change so knowing that we had still an Iphone!
Last year we did the same thing and also had gained by the change!
I’m super happy I though I would wait for version 5 for more improvements …
For the Galaxy to Enrique, he is super happy … and he keeps taunting me because it cost the half of mine and he has indeed many things very interesting ….
Then coming back we took the bike and went for one hour at high speed, I’m happy because I beat 3 minutes around the previous day, the wind was the same ..
This afternoon we remake it but surely with our family!
Then tomorrow back to the gym in the evening :-)
Here is a small photo taken yesterday with the Galaxy by Enrique …
Otherwise this morning Enrique posted a naughty new series in the member area made 4years ago!
It was Monday and we were in a swinger club, there should be two other couples in a room above, and show myself as I danced naked in front of 5 or 6 guys in a cage …
After 5 minutes one of them came and started to caress while talking to me!
5 minutes after he licked my pussy in front of everyone else, lol …
Very cool and enterprising, he proposed me to join him in his hotel room!
Although naughty too, two hours later I joined him and we fucked together until he cum on my face :-)
I love these plans there or nothing is scheduled and there I am truly my pleasure!
I wish you a nice and hot day, huge kisss ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Sorry for my bad english
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